Welcome! My hope with this site is that you find something that helps inspire you to create, whether it’s writing some code, building some electronics, 3d printing, or whatever. I’ve got two different art degrees and currently work as a software engineer, so I’m always looking for new fun and creative things to do.
Bluetooth Page Turner
I play french horn in a community and have been slowly making the transition from paper sheet music to going all digital. The problem is as a horn player, I use both hands so it’s a pain to reach up and turn the page with my finger. I could always buy a foot pedal, but…
Making a Smart Heater
I work remote and have a great little she shed in the backyard. I love it, and it gives me a great dedicated office space during the day. But, it gets pretty cold during the winter. I’ve got a 1500 watt heater in there, but it takes a while to get warm. My morning routine…
Fish Feeder Tracker
For her 5th birthday, my daughter got a fish tank. She loves it and has been taking care of it herself. She feeds the fish every day and has been doing a great job. But she’s been having a hard time keeping track of how much food she’s feeding them. So I decided to build…
Building Apps with React and Laravel | Intro
I love using the PHP Framework Laravel. There’s hardly a day as a web developer that I’m not doing something in Laravel. I also love using the javascript framework React. But for some reason, the Laravel community is hot on VueJS. I’m not sure why, and I’ve got nothing against it (I still use plenty…